Options for customising the parser.
Field maxColumns:UInt = 1024
Maximum number of columns to parse.
Defaults to 1024.
Field delimiter:String = ","
The delimiter.
Typically a comma or tab. Can be any char other than newline, form feed or quote. Defaults to comma.
Field noQuotes:Int
When enabled, indicates that the parser should treat double-quotes just like any ordinary character.
Field insertHeaderRow:String
If the actual data does not have a header row with column names, the caller should provide one (in CSV format) which will be treated as if it was the first row of data.
Field headerSpan:UInt = 1
The number of rows that the header row spans.
If 0 or 1, header is assumed to span 1 row otherwise, set to number > 1 to span multiple rows.
Field rowsToIgnore:UInt
The number of rows to ignore before the initial row is processed.
Field keepEmptyHeaderRows:UInt
By default, ignores empty header rows.
To disable this behaviour, set to True.