A Float backed 3x3 matrix.
Method New(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float, e:Float, f:Float, g:Float, h:Float, i:Float)
Creates a new SMat3F from the supplied arguments.
Method Operator+:SMat3F(z:SMat3F Var)
Adds z to the matrix, returning a new matrix.
Method Operator-:SMat3F(z:SMat3F Var)
Subtracts z from the matrix, returning a new matrix.
Method Operator*:SMat3F(z:SMat3F Var)
Multiplies the matrix by z, the dot product, returning a new matrix.
Method Apply:SVec2F(v:SVec2F)
Applies the matrix to the vector v, returning a new vector.
Method Apply:SVec3F(v:SVec3F)
Applies the matrix to the vector v, returning a new vector.
Method Apply:SVec4F(v:SVec4F)
Applies the matrix to the vector v, returning a new vector.
Method Adjoint:SMat3F()
Returns the transposition of the cofactor matrix.
Method CompMul:SMat3F(z:SMat3F Var)
Multiplies the matrix by z by its components, return a new matrix.
Method Determinant:Float()
Returns the determinant of the matrix.
Method Invert:SMat3F()
Returns the inverse of the matrix.
Method Rotate:SMat3F(angle:Double)
Rotates the matrix by angle degrees, returning a new matrix.
Method Scale:SMat3F(s:SVec2F)
Scales the matrix by s, returning a new matrix.
Method Scale:SMat3F(s:SVec2D)
Scales the matrix by s, returning a new matrix.
Method Transpose:SMat3F()
Returns a transposition of the matrix.
Method ToString:String() Override
Returns a String representation of the matrix.
Function Identity:SMat3F()
Return the 3x3 identity matrix.
Function Rotation:SMat3F(angle:Double)
Retrns a rotation matrix of angle degrees.
Function Scaling:SMat3F(s:SVec2F)
Returns a scaling matrix of s.
Function Scaling:SMat3F(s:SVec2D)
Returns a scaling matrix of s.