Steam User Stats listener interface
Implement this and add as a listener to an instance of TSteamUserStats to receive appropriate event callbacks.
Method OnGlobalAchievementPercentagesReady(gameID:ULong, result:EResult)
Called when the global achievement percentages have been received from the server.
Method OnGlobalStatsReceived(gameID:ULong, result:EResult)
Called when the global stats have been received from the server.
Method OnLeaderboardFindResult(leaderboardHandle:ULong, leaderboardFound:Int)
Result when finding a leaderboard.
Method OnLeaderboardScoresDownloaded(leaderboardHandle:ULong, leaderboardEntriesHandle:ULong, entryCount:Int)
Called when scores for a leaderboard have been downloaded and are ready to be retrieved.
After calling you must use GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntry to retrieve the info for each downloaded entry.
Method OnLeaderboardScoreUploaded(success:Int, leaderboardHandle:ULong, score:UInt, scoreChanged:Int, globalRankNew:Int, globalRankPrevious:Int)
Result indicating that a leaderboard score has been uploaded.
Method OnGetNumberOfCurrentPlayers(success:Int, players:Int)
Gets the current number of players for the current AppId.
Method OnUserAchievementIconFetched(gameID:ULong, achievementName:String, achieved:Int, iconHandle:Int)
Result of an achievement icon that has been fetched.
Method OnUserAchievementStored(gameID:ULong, groupAchievement:Int, achievementName:String, curProgress:UInt, maxProgress:UInt)
Result of a request to store the achievements on the server, or an "indicate progress" call.
If both curProgress and maxProgress are zero, that means the achievement has been fully unlocked.
Method OnUserStatsReceived(gameID:ULong, result:EResult, steamID:ULong)
Called when the latest stats and achievements for a specific user (including the local user) have been received from the server.
Method OnUserStatsStored(gameID:ULong, result:EResult)
Result of a request to store the user stats.
Method OnUserStatsUnloaded(userID:ULong)
Callback indicating that a user's stats have been unloaded.
Call RequestUserStats again before accessing stats for this user.