A 2D rendering context.
Method CreateTexture:TSDLTexture(format:UInt, access:Int, width:Int, height:Int)
Creates a texture for a rendering context.
Method CreateTextureFromSurface:TSDLTexture(surface:TSDLSurface)
Creates a texture from an existing surface.
Method GetDrawBlendMode:Int(blendMode:Int Var)
Gets the blend mode used for drawing operations.
Method GetDrawColor:Int(r:Byte Var, g:Byte Var, b:Byte Var, a:Byte Var)
Gets the color used for drawing operations (Rect, Line and Clear).
Method GetTarget:TSDLSurface()
Getsthe current render target.
Method GetOutputSize:Int(w:Int Var, h:Int Var)
Gets the output size in pixels of a rendering context.
Method Clear:Int()
Clears the current rendering target with the drawing color.
Method Copy:Int(texture:TSDLTexture, sx:Int = -1, sy:Int = -1, sw:Int = -1, sh:Int = -1, dx:Int = -1, dy:Int = -1, dw:Int = -1, dh:Int = -1)
Copies a portion of the texture to the current rendering target.
Method CopyEx:Int(texture:TSDLTexture, sx:Int = -1, sy:Int = -1, sw:Int = -1, sh:Int = -1, dx:Int = -1, dy:Int = -1, dw:Int = -1, dh:Int = -1, angle:Double = 0, cx:Int = -1, cy:Int = -1, flipMode:Int = SDL_FLIP_NONE)
Copies a portion of the texture to the current rendering target, optionally rotating it by angle around the given center and also flipping it top-bottom and/or left-right.
Method DrawLine:Int(x1:Int, y1:Int, x2:Int, y2:Int)
Draws a line on the current rendering target.
Method DrawLines:Int(points:Int Ptr, count:Int)
Draws a series of connected lines on the current rendering target.
A point consists of a pair of Ints (x, y), where count is the count of pairs.
Method DrawPoint:Int(x:Int, y:Int)
Draws a point on the current rendering target.
Method DrawPoints:Int(points:Int Ptr, count:Int)
Draws multiple points on the current rendering target.
Method DrawRect:Int(x:Int = -1, y:Int = -1, w:Int = -1, h:Int = -1)
Draws a rectangle on the current rendering target.
Method DrawRects:Int(rects:Int Ptr, count:Int)
Draws some number of rectangles on the current rendering target.
Method FillRect:Int(x:Int = -1, y:Int = -1, w:Int = -1, h:Int = -1)
Fills a rectangle on the current rendering target with the drawing color.
Method GetIntegerScale:Int()
Gets whether integer scales are forced for resolution-independent rendering.
Method GetLogicalSize(w:Int Var, h:Int Var)
Gets device independent resolution for rendering.
Method GetScale(x:Float Var, y:Float Var)
Gets the drawing scale for the current target.
Method GetViewport(x:Int Var, y:Int Var, w:Int Var, h:Int Var)
Gets the drawing area for the current target.
Method IsClipEnabled:Int()
Gets whether clipping is enabled on the given renderer.
Method Present()
Updates the screen with any rendering performed since the previous call.
Method ReadPixels:Int(format:UInt, pixels:Byte Ptr, pitch:Int, x:Int = -1, y:Int = -1, w:Int = -1, h:Int = -1)
Reads pixels from the current rendering target.
Method SetClipRect:Int(x:Int = -1, y:Int = -1, w:Int = -1, h:Int = -1)
Sets the clip rectangle for rendering on the specified target.
Method SetIntegerScale:Int(enable:Int)
Sets whether to force integer scales for resolution-independent rendering.
Method SetLogicalSize:Int(w:Int, h:Int)
Sets a device independent resolution for rendering.
Method SetScale:Int(scaleX:Float, scaleY:Float)
Sets the drawing scale for rendering on the current target.
Method SetViewport:Int(x:Int = -1, y:Int = -1, w:Int = -1, h:Int = -1)
Sets the drawing area for rendering on the current target.
Method TargetSupported:Int()
Determines whether a window supports the use of render targets.
Method SetDrawBlendMode:Int(blendMode:Int)
Sets the blend mode used for drawing operations (Fill and Line).
Method SetDrawColor:Int(r:Byte, g:Byte, b:Byte, a:Byte)
Sets the color used for drawing operations (Rect, Line and Clear).
Method SetTarget:Int(texture:TSDLTexture)
Sets a texture as the current rendering target.
Method Destroy()
Destroys the rendering context for a window and free associated textures.
Function Create:TSDLRenderer(window:TSDLWindow, index:Int = -1, flags:UInt = 0)
Creates a 2D rendering context for a window.
Note that providing no flags gives priority to available SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED renderers
Function CreateSoftwareRenderer:TSDLRenderer(surface:TSDLSurface)
Creates a 2D software rendering context for a surface.
Function GetRenderer:TSDLRenderer(window:TSDLWindow)
Gets the renderer associated with a window.