LRW Cipher Mode
Method Start:Int(cipher:TCipher, iv:Byte Ptr, key:Byte Ptr, keylen:Int, tweak:Byte Ptr, numRounds:Int)
Initializes the cipher mode.
The key is specified in two parts. The first key is the (normally AES) key and can be any length (typically 16, 24 or 32 octets long). The second key is the tweak key and is always 16 octets long.
The tweak value is NOT a nonce or IV value it must be random and secret.
CRYPT_OK if the cipher initialized correctly, otherwise, returns an error code.
Method Encrypt:Int(pt:Byte Ptr, ct:Byte Ptr, length:UInt)
Encrypts the plaintext pt of length to ct.
length must be a multiple of the cipher block size, otherwise you must manually pad the end of your message (either with zeroes or with whatever your protocol requires).
CRYPT_OK on success.
Method Decrypt:Int(ct:Byte Ptr, pt:Byte Ptr, length:UInt)
Decrypts the ciphertext ct of length to pt.
CRYPT_OK on success.
Method GetIV:Int(IV:Byte Ptr, length:UInt Var)
Reads the 16 octet IV out of the chaining mode, and stores it in IV along with the length of the IV.
Method SetIV:Int(IV:Byte Ptr, length:UInt)
Sets the 16 octet IV.
Note that setting the IV is the same as seeking and unlike other modes is not a free operation. It requires updating the entire tweak which is slower than sequential use. Avoid seeking excessively in performance constrained code.
Method Done:Int()
Terminates the cipher stream.