The MaxLua module provides a way to use the Lua scripting language from within Blitzmax programs.
Lua is a simple but fast and powerful scripting language. For more information on programming in Lua, please visit the official Lua site at
Here is an example of the MaxLua module in action:
'Our TDemo type...
Type TDemo
Method SayHello$( name$ )
Return "Hello "+name+"! Peace be with you..."
End Method
End Type
'Register a demo object with Lua.
'Lua code can now access the object using the identifier "Demo".
Local demo:TDemo=New TDemo
LuaRegisterObject demo,"Demo"
'source code to our little Lua program...
Local source$=..
"function hello()~n"+..
"print( Demo.SayHello( 'Fredborg' ) )~n"+..
"function goodbye()~n"+..
"print( Demo.SayHello( 'CandyMan' ) )~n"+..
'create a Lua 'class' and set it's source code...
Local class:TLuaClass=TLuaClass.Create( source )
'Now, create an instance of the class.
Local instance:TLuaObject=TLuaObject.Create( class,Null )
'We can no invoke methods of the class.
instance.Invoke "hello",Null
instance.Invoke "goodbye",Null
Type | Description |
TLuaObject | A Lua 'object' |
TLuaClass | A Lua 'class' |
Function LuaRegisterObject( obj:Object,name$ )
Register a global object with Lua
Once registered, the object can be accessed from within Lua scripts using the name identifer.