An RGBA color with 8-bit components.
Method New(r:Byte, g:Byte, b:Byte, a:Byte = 255)
Creates an SColor8 instance using the specified r, g, b and a components.
Method New(rgba:Int)
Creates an SColor8 instance using the specified 32-bit RGBA value.
Method ToRGBA:Int()
Returns the color as a 32-bit RGBA value.
Method ToARGB:Int()
Returns the color as a 32-bit ARGB value.
Method ToHSL(hue:Float Var, saturation:Float Var, luminance:Float Var)
Calculates the Hue-Saturation-Luminance (HSL) of the color.
Method ToHSV(hue:Float Var, saturation:Float Var, value:Float Var)
Calculates the Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) of the color.